Project: Dialogue in Adult education(DiA)

DiA is a project of a diverse but united group of partners. We are NGOs, universities, formal and non-formal education organisations, working on local, national and international level. We have many skills in peace- and community building, conflict transformation and social dialogue and have a big social capital. We have reputation as innovative training providers, access to many target groups and most of all open minds and hearts. We know theory and practice, methods and theories and are curious to explore new approaches and practices. Whom are we doing DiA with and for? We mainly are guided by Trainer and facilitators in non-formal education, local activists and Ngo leaders, but as well all kind of educators, students and researcher active in the four fields of DiA. We pay especially attention to those working with refugees, IDPs, migrants, minorities but as well elderly, social disadvantaged who are usually stocked in areas of conflict. We are aware that we are in a system where we have to work with the media, hosting communities, policy makers, local leaders, universities, schools, cultural centres and municipalities to complete our mission.
There are struggles we can control fully, others partly and some are beyond our influence. We are afraid that we do not reach our aim, as there is maybe a lack to understand key terms, but the academic partners will help us. We don’t want to have an unbalance between ‘activism’ and ‘theorism’, as we might be caught in the system and face our or the target groups incomprehension. We have to be effective and involving as we understand a lack of motivation and resources as a thread. The system is not just a place to be stuck with your thoughts in, but it might impact us as well with unpredictable, changing rules and laws, which especially our partners outside the EU might face. The diversity of the team is a strength, however we have to be aware that we come from different social, cultural and institutional backgrounds, which can lead to many misunderstanding. As a project focused on peacebuilding, conflict management, social dialogue and community building we are worried about peace, and in case of Ukraine, that the war will further spread. On smaller level we can be attacked by nationalists, as we are working on sensible topics and we should be aware of this.
DiA is a positive partnership, we want to create wise solutions to speak about peace with fun. In the end we want to create innovative practices for Peacebuilders, make more educators use methods of conflict solution and raise more awareness on the benefits and usage of peacebuilding in general. As organizations we wish to have a better understanding of the 4 key concepts and how to apply the, in education. Next to the promotion of our organisations we are hoping to create follow up projects going deeper in our topics. We want to reduce radicalism in our societies and facilitate dialogue between groups with different interests. A special treasure would be tools, which help to overcome stereotypes and prejudices.
ERASMUS+ – 2021-1-DK01-KA220-YOU-000028754
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
01/12/2021 – 31/12/2023
Ivan Haus Co. – Denmark – coordinator – Partners: Sintagmi impresa sociale – Italy – Aufbruch
Neukölln, Germany – F&K Centre of Innovation, Greece – Thinkyoung, Belgium
We want to deliver an informal high-quality, digitally advanced, informal and interdisciplinary education “Young Active Citizenship”. This education is aimed at helping >2000 young Europeans, including young people with fewer opportunities: unemployed youth, 18-25 years, with immigrant backgrounds, become active citizens within 3 years after the Erasmus+ project, i.e. 2026. Furthermore, new teachers from employment-creating authorities, trade unions and youth NGOs will have be trained as new trainers. In the Erasmus+ project period 2021-23, the task is to develop the education, and dissemination and recruitment of 2000 learners will be carefully planned and secured in co- operation with the stakeholders / associated partners: job creating authorities, trade unions, enterprises and NGOs.
To secure a reality-check, 20 learners from the target group will be involved in the testing of the education’s content and form. All these 20 young people will go through the entire education that is being developed along the way in the project, and in 2023 they will have become employable or employed, connected, engaged active citizens, as an example to be followed by the mentioned 2000 in the years to come. At the end of the Erasmus+ project in 2023, the education content and form will be at the free disposal in a digital form on relevant platforms for authorities, organizations and individual young users. Train-the trainer sessions for youth workers in the employment-creating organizations and trade unions will take place in the last month of the project period, and further sessions can be
arranged after the project by appointment. The education can be taken online, or physically in a class-room setting, both facilitated by trainers, or through self-study.
The education will consist of 5 modules with lectures, exercises, simulations, role plays, virtual reality cases:
- „Introduction and personal project“, 6 hours, which includes a definition of each young person’s individual ambition and goal in the form of a personal project, which will be a recurring motif through all 4 modules. 2. „Self-efficacy and Social Skills“ (personal and social development), 20 hours spread over 8 weekly workshops of 2,5 hours 3. „Agendas and advocacy“ (critical thinking, migration-integration, fighting climate change and environmental problems, finding opportunities for jobs in the green sector, fighting youth crime, etc.), 20 hours etc. 4. „Entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship“, (creating own jobs, getting employed in start-ups, ways of making change and help others) 20 hours etc. 5. „Active citizenship“ (personal accomplishments and perspectives, drawing on Modules 1-4), 20 hours etc.
During the project period, we will (1) develop and test content and form of the education “Young Active Citizenship” and (2) plan for the dissemination of this education, including recruitment of young learners and trainers and international co-operation about carrying out the education.
The long-term result after the project is that 2,000 young people with fewer opportunities will have become active citizens, i.e. be employable or employed, in the process of a formal education, involved in voluntary work, involved in advocacy for a societal goal.
The short term-result is that we will have developed an informal, interdisciplinary education „Young Active Citizenship“, and tested it thoroughly by 20 representatives for the young target group, and made it accessible to job creating authorities, trade unions, enterprises and NGOs all over Europe and beyond.